February 26

Choosing Miracle, Now


Living Now

“The first requirement of positive intent is acknowledging gratitude, and the second thing is to abandon grievances of all kinds. Grievance comes from the ego. There’s a beautiful passage in A Course In Miracles which says, ‘Every decision I make is a choice between a grievance and a miracle.’ Try to remember that.” –Deepak Chopra

Every moment is a choice between Grievance and Miracle. I choose Miracle.

Try chanting that to yourself, as you prepare to meditate or when you’re frustrated or emotional or when you just have a quiet moment. See how it sinks in, how it comes back anytime you could use reminder. Every moment is a choice in how you frame it, between dissatisfaction and gratitude, disharmony and harmony. How would adopting this worldview change your experience?

Every moment is a choice, between grievance and miracle. I choose miracle.

Do you find this to be the case?

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Course in Miracles, Gratitude, LOA, Quotes

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