“The first requirement of positive intent is acknowledging gratitude, and the second thing is to abandon grievances of all kinds. Grievance comes from the ego. There’s a beautiful passage in A Course In Miracles which says, ‘Every decision I make is a choice between a grievance and a miracle.’ Try to remember that.” –Deepak Chopra
Every moment is a choice between Grievance and Miracle. I choose Miracle.
Try chanting that to yourself, as you prepare to meditate or when you’re frustrated or emotional or when you just have a quiet moment. See how it sinks in, how it comes back anytime you could use reminder. Every moment is a choice in how you frame it, between dissatisfaction and gratitude, disharmony and harmony. How would adopting this worldview change your experience?
Every moment is a choice, between grievance and miracle. I choose miracle.
Do you find this to be the case?
This is very a propos. Thank you, Dixie.
You’re welcome, Marly!