The privacy policy around here is damn simple: your privacy is as valuable to me as it is to you! Without trust, the work we do together would be impossible.
It’s a privilege to be invited into your life as well as your inbox–a gift I do not take for granted! When you share your email address with me for any reason, it remains private.
And while it should go without saying, let me say it: the identity of those I work with and what we talk about forever remains strictly confidential!
If you ever decide to remove yourself from my contacts for any reason, just let me know and I’ll take care of it immediately. There is also a link in each subscription email that allows you to unsubscribe from all my emails quickly and easily.
While information about site visitors may be tracked in aggregate form for analysis, identifying information about individual visitors is not tracked or retained unless the site is used to initiate a direct interaction.
A Fool’s Journey is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. In addition, A Fool’s Journey may participate in other affiliate programs as well. Affiliate programs are linked whenever possible regardless of editorial position on any individual product or service. All the opinions expressed herein, however, are mine alone.
And thank you, for the sacred trust you honor me with. I’ll do my best to remain worthy of it!