Beginning Astrology

Whether or not you think the stars can offer advice, there's no denying that beginning astrology can prompt introspection and insight. When is that a bad thing?

What you do with with that (like everything else in this life) is entirely up to you. Note: I only feature beginning astrology articles here because I'm not a real astrologer (and don't play one on the internet). 

Looking to the Stars with Beginning Astrology

April 11, 2012

I’m quick to defend Virgo—partially because the attacks feel kind of personal, being very Virgo and all—and ...

September 3, 2013

“Because I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and doggone it, people like me.” -Stuart Smalley I’ve been ...

December 5, 2016

Here is a brief rundown of the Zodiac House rulerships. Please bear in mind these are only ...

March 12, 2012

It’s that time again–Mercury Retrograde. With the abundance of Mercury energy ’round this house, Rx periods don’t ...

July 6, 2013

So far, I’ve got a posts missing the schedule, a dead microwave,  revelation that my van gas ...

December 24, 2022

Please Note: I am currently recovering, and therefore there will be a longer-than-usual turnaround time for these. ...

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