May 30

Speaking of Animal Messengers: Butterflies!


You know how I was talking about all the Cardinals? Well, there is another animal practically accosting me every time I step outside: butterflies!

And we’re not talking, “Shut your mouth, don’t you know it’s Spring, Dixie, you pink haired goof? numbers of butterflies. We’re talking, “What the Hell, is this a sign of the apocalypse?!?” swarms of butterflies. It’s been a near-constant stream. I haven’t tried to count them yet, but it’s a lot. I’ve had the standard butterflies flying by, but also butterflies brush up against my shoulder (tapping my shoulder?), butterflies land on my knee, butterflies flying in circles over my head, even a butterfly sit in my hair–and stay there! They are EVERYWHERE!

Sometimes, they slow down enough to let me take their picture. (Click an image for a better look.)

I think of butterflies as very Plutonian, for obvious reasons. It’s all about the transformation, baby! That’s the kind of symbolism I don’t have to look up.

Evidently, many cultures associate the butterfly with the soul. Greek myth represents Psyche (“Soul”) as a butterfly. We’re not talking surface level shifts with butterflies; more like DEEP, down-to-your-very-core sorts of changes. Maybe a little intimidating, but all in all, it’s a beautiful message to get.

I was contemplating this rush of birds and butterflies into my life when I hit a realization…my current card, from my “Living the Archetypes” exercise? Yeah. I’m on the Fool still.

And what do I do?

Let’s see. I sit outside in my Sacred Garden, surrounded by Morning Glories, birds and butterflies.

And this Fool card? He carries a staff of Morning Glories. On his right, a bird. On his left, a butterfly.


Um…I’m sure hoping that “alligator of the unconscious” in his path isn’t as dangerous as it looks…at least some of it’s showing already. So it won’t be a total shock when I…er, I mean, when HE steps on it.

Yeah. That.

And you may call that crazy, but I don’t. That’s what I call “living Tarot.” And you know what else? I like it!

Do butterflies come to visit you, too?

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Butterflies, Living Tarot, Spirit Animals, Spirit Messages

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  1. OMG. They have been crazy stalking little critters this year. I was the same as you at first (it’s spring..blah blah). Plus, butterflies are not an uncommon symbol for me. But THIS year? Wow.

    On Sunday, I had a welcomed visit from one I had never seen before. Your post reminded me of my intention to look it up. (so thanks <3). It didn't just flutter by me. It landed on my left shoulder. Then it landed on my right shoulder. Then it landed right above my heart. Ox saw it..and was like "did you take a bath in honeysuckle this morning?" uh no..LOL.

    It was black and white tiger striped with a reddish pink body. Beautiful. k, now off to see what kind it was!
    :drink: :rainbow: :drink:

    1. That’s gorgeous, Josi! I have been seeing some of those kind as well, like, a different breed of butterfly or something.

      Very cool. And I’m always glad I’m not the only one.

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